Thursday, March 5, 2009

Past Perfect

I miss:

Camp outs at the river
where we hauled everything
but the bathroom sink
to only stay two nights...
...Where we lived on hot dogs
and beer and s'mores...
...I miss the smell of the tent,
the coolness of the water,
the pulsating heat of midday
and the rhythmic tick of
insects at night...
...of sweet laughter
and good stories and silence
that spoke to my heart...

I miss:

Holding a baby in my arms,
the soft pink skin all fragrant with lotion,
...the plump fingers rolled around
strands of my hair...
those innocent eyes smiling
as I sing lullabies
in my best nursery-rhyme voice...
... of feeling useful
and hopeful
and satisfied that I accomplished
one of life's miracles...

I miss:

Fresh tomatoes from the garden...
inner tubes in shallow water...
suntans and lemonade...
cool shoes...
full cookie jars...
picnic baskets...
catching fireflies...
swing sets and slicky-slides...
board games...
ball games...
breakfast in bed...
pizza at midnight...
gathering eggs from the chicken house...
a flat belly
and a firm butt...
rock and roll...
troll dolls and
Silly Putty...
wishing on stars
and chicken bones...
new notebooks...
old pencils...
great coffee...
warm muffins...
church songs
and cardboard fans...
hunting four leaf clovers...

Some of the things I miss can be mine again.
I just have to look for them-
create them-
put them back within my reach.

But I will always miss what time has taken away.
People I loved,
things I treasured,
moments I'll never revive.

today is a new day-
a new month-
a new season-
a new year.
A new me.

Thanks, God.