Monday, June 28, 2010

Checking In

I think I've forgotten how to type.

No- wait.
I never did know how to type.
All I do know is- these two fingers sure have
been away from the keyboard
way too long.

More than writing,
I have missed reading.
You bloggy friends have been
the unending source of inspiration,
friendship, communication
and entertainment.
I can't wait to have the time again
to visit you all individually
and leave comments.

But, my husband is still off work
and we have been like DIY'ers on steroids.
I think- I hope- the cabin is about done.

I have never been so hot and tired
in my entire life.
I just can't wait to sit back and enjoy
the fruits of our labor.

I hope to be back in blogging mode
within a week or two...
Hope these hammer wielding fingers
will know right where to pick up
where I left off.

Click on these before and after pics
to see what I've been up to.
My husband and I did this all ourselves.

And I think we make a pretty good team,
don't you?